Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Up up and away

So little time has passed, but there have been so many adventures ....almost missed our train leaving Delhi, as we managed to be at the wrong station. Consequently we then had the most hair-raising ride to Old Delhi station in an auto rickshaw. That was nothing compared to the hour taxi ride later that night getting us way up into the hills to Nainital...I was gripped to my seat - but we did see a wild tiger as we headed up around the hundreds of hairpin bends......
If you have a second google Nainital Zoo - it surely must be the highest zoo in the world and we walked up and down today - a great achievement for me - especially at this altitude - I think that I left hand prints on Emma's white shirt, as I clung onto her arm for the descent!

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture, looks like the Slumdog kid! H!
