Saturday, 1 February 2025

Petrol station explosion

 You get very in tune with your body when you travel. Are you drinking enough water, eating enough fruit? And there is always an Indian explosion when you have a panicked rush to the bathroom. 

I was in a taxi and asked to stop at the next petrol station. Feeling calm that one was in sight, I was alarmed when we just drove past. We stopped at the next one, which was on the opposite side of the road and I ran to the bathroom and exploded! Let’s not go into detail but I was completely empty - who needs colonic irrigation in India! 

We then carried on and our driver drove on the wrong side of the road on the inside lane for what felt was far too long. Terrifying India. 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Find the ring

 When the bride first enters the house she is moving into there are a number of tests she must complete, after rages small ceremonies. 

One is to unwind cotton wall places on each other, as this represents working together as a team, sorting out challenges. 

The game to decide on who was going to be the boss in the relationship was next. Regardless of the outcome my money was in Suman! A large bowl was filled with milk and nuts and fruits and a ring was dropped in it. Suman could search with both hands and Gourav only one and they ended up in a tie of 3 all and the Gourav won. Think you’re going to be the boss? Think again. 

What a time for a power cut

 Indian wedding are amazing, so much tradition, so many different ceremonies and so much colour. 

As the browse and groom entered the reception hall, the production was on another level. Men ran in front of them setting off the dry ice, 6 photographers were capturing every monument and fireworks went off as they danced. A truly amazing spectacle and the. There was a power cut. Luckily only for a few seconds but everyone gasped in hope for a quick remedy. 

This is the man’s bus

 After the reception and the amazing dancing in front of Gourav on his horse, we had some time the next morning and then we were all ushered on a bus to go to the home town of the bride. We set off and were chatting and then we realised that we were on the man’s bus. Rows of guys in their wedding Jodhpuri jackets and multi coloured turbans. And me and Em! Too late to swap and after we got there all the women were worried that we had missed the bus! 

Help us dress in our sari’s

 I don’t often ask for help, but when I do it’s really needed. The pressure is on for us to fit in and look good and we at big a sari for the groom’s reception was a must. Luckily my 300 rupee saris from Jodhpur was well received, as the colour was fab. I did have some trousers made in the same hot pink colour but they were rushed and didn’t fit, so I had to wear my craghopper travel trousers, which sturdley held up my tucked in sari. 

Wonderful Suman, the neighbour who I have met many times before came to our rescue and dressed us both and it was wonderful to be met with so much positive feedback on our outfits as we entered the reception. I always try my best and it definitely worked here! 

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Oh no that’s not a hug

 We needed three outfits for the wedding. A sari definitely for the important grooms reception and his late night parade through town on a horse and us dancing to the crazy loud music .

I got a beautiful dark pink sari in the market at Jodhpur and it cost me £4. Much to the amusement of everyone around the woman puts the sari on me and I ask a nearby group of women if pink is ok to wear to a wedding. The older lady says yes, but more preferable if I buy the dress in a fancier shape. I told her as I was only going to wear it once that would not be necessary. 

So in Samdari I need to buy two long tops, so as there is an insufficient selection I get two made up. Buying a navy with gold and another pink with gold, I head to the old next door neighbours of Julie’s who is a tailor. 

Once we have gone through the required style and are still greeting each other I hug her back as she leans in, but it’s not a hug, she’s measuring my waist!