Sunday, 26 January 2025

Oh no that’s not a hug

 We needed three outfits for the wedding. A sari definitely for the important grooms reception and his late night parade through town on a horse and us dancing to the crazy loud music .

I got a beautiful dark pink sari in the market at Jodhpur and it cost me £4. Much to the amusement of everyone around the woman puts the sari on me and I ask a nearby group of women if pink is ok to wear to a wedding. The older lady says yes, but more preferable if I buy the dress in a fancier shape. I told her as I was only going to wear it once that would not be necessary. 

So in Samdari I need to buy two long tops, so as there is an insufficient selection I get two made up. Buying a navy with gold and another pink with gold, I head to the old next door neighbours of Julie’s who is a tailor. 

Once we have gone through the required style and are still greeting each other I hug her back as she leans in, but it’s not a hug, she’s measuring my waist!

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