Saturday, 17 April 2010

Half way there

Half way there

I can't believe that I am already half way through my travels - already I could write a book on all my 
adventures.  As I have headed back to Kathmandu it makes me appreciate just how incredible this journey is.  From the over surveillance and lack of free speech in Tibet you can really see how a nation are fighting to maintain their identity.  Just as there is a significant China town in major cities across the world,  equally there is a much smaller community of Tibetans who have fled their homeland.  
Last night at a local street festival here it was funny to see all the young people out on a Saturday night. The street could of been any where with burger bars and fashion boutiques and girls dressed in mini skirts and lads in jeans. 
I was asked yesterday to proof read a speech one if the heads of the NGO I worked with, which next week he will present on the indiginous populations of Nepal to the UN in New York. It made me reflect - are we all trying to be the same? The east wants to be more western and the west more eastern,  exploring yoga, alternative medicines from China and India, tantric, meditation and religion.  It is always the older generation that uphold the traditions and values and at what point will these be lost in time?  That is why travelling is so amazing - to explore all our differences across the world,  before Lhasa has a Mcdonalds, before that older generation has gone and gone too is their pride to be different.

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