Sunday, 16 December 2018

Oh no Madam I am a child!

You’re a captive audience as you wait patiently on the train platform, only to see your train eta edge nearer dusk, to rob you of your view of the Rajasthani landscape. As always you are surrounded by staring eyes, as you standout as foreign women on the platform, it’s impossible to be invisible.  A trio of lads start talking to us, the taller one with the best English taking the conversation lead. Again more questions in order of importance. ‘Are you married?’, how old are you?’ And ‘how can you afford to travel?’ I laughed and asked him if he was married, to which he replied ‘oh no Madam, I am a child’ ..... aaarrgghh his manly moustache covered his tender age of 17!!! 

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