I’ve seen pictures of the risky market on the outskirts of Bangkok, and decide it was a destination that had to be visited. There’s market stalls and shops fronts on both sides of the tiny gauged railway track and four times a day a train comes through and all of the canopies have to be brought in and all of the goods wheeled in or kept at a low level so that the train just goes over them.
Here the risk is quite surprising as you all jostle to get a good view and a good picture of the oncoming train and then it becomes surprisingly apparent how snug the fit is between the sides of the buildings and the width of the train. I’m not proud to say I had slightly push a tiny child so that I could shelter on a a disused shop table, whilst the train trundled through. Don’t be alarmed, the tiny child was already on the table and I was keen to make room for me!
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